Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I See Rude People

Hey there! Next one up was I See Rude People by Amy Alkon. She's a syndicated advice columnist that also has a blog that apparently is really successful.

So anyways, it's a lot like the title makes it sound. Alkon, a fiery little redhead, sees rudeness and tries to make it right in some way or another. Either she calls the person out, sues telemarketers, sends bills to stores that try to survey her, or she implores others to do the same.

Now, here's the issue. Yes, some of the stories are funny, and one is downright hilarious. Alkon tracked down the person that stole her car when she wasn't getting police cooperation, and started calling him. She even got a friend of hers, MARLON BRANDO, yep, the real one, ask the guy to return her car. And he did!

So even though some stories were good... she's kind of mean. Scratch that- really mean. And she's pretty much just an angry person, giving people what she thinks they're earning. I can't get on board with that, sorry! I don't want that hunt for rudeness to define who I am, thanks.

Anyways, some of the stories are really, really funny. Some are annoying. Some are more than annoying, they're irritating. I do NOT recommend the book, unless you feel like heading straight to the story on the guy that stole her car.

So, do you disagree? Have you read this, or her column? Happy Reading!

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