Tuesday, May 25, 2010

First Lord's Fury

Book TWENTY on the list was First Lord's Fury: Book Six of the Codex Alera by Jim Butcher.

Now, if you think like me, you might have just thought, "Book SIX?!?"

Yeah. And it's 465 pages... the other ones are also HUGE... so I didn't read them. I tried to read this one without the others, breaking my own rule. I didn't expect much- I can't imagine trying to jump into the Harry Potter series on book 6, but I reallllly just didn't have time to read the 5 previous books.


I went ahead and started reading, and SURPRISE! I was lost. I read 81 pages before I realized that the two main characters, Tavi and Octavian, were the same person. Tavi's his nickname. OcTAVIan, get it? Yeesh. My bad. I also kept getting confused because there's a goddess-lady named Alera, but Alera is the name of their land... I'm sure they're related somehow, but I kept missing the point. Word to the wise- book 6 is not the time to pick up the series. Duh.

That being said, I kept reading, and NOT surprisingly, I really liked the book. Yeah, I was mostly lost, but Butcher's a great writer. It was excellent fantasy and the world he had created (painstakingly, I'm sure) over the last 6 books was just tremendous. If you like fantasy and have some time on your hands, pick these up. It's a little Lord of the Ringsesque, but fresh and interesting.

Now, has anyone read these? Does someone wanna catch me up? If you've read them, feel free to expand upon why this book is so awesome. If you haven't, would you consider taking on a series six books in?

Comment away!

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